
2017-10-16 13:21:40



All things show unique spectral curves under light, and they identify different substances like ID cards. Using this property, we can deduce what material the spectral information comes f rom.


But there are still two problems, one is to improve the spectral resolution difficulty, spectral curve similarity of different materials under low resolution is high, it is difficult to distinguish between different nuances of spectral information; two is in the collection of large area spectral info rmation region measured when the hybrid material unit pixel, is not easy to get the spectral inf ormation of all kinds of pure substances.


The Key Laboratory of spectral imaging and intelligent perception after 5 years of efforts, has successfully overcome the two problems, the spectral resolution of up to 4nm, equivalent to the thickness of a sheet of paper 1/10000; at the s ame time, the mixed solution of various substances , and the spectral information can be used according to the latitude and longitude, atmospheric environment, illumination etc. the factors of self correction, to ensure the accuracy of the results.


The whole system weight less than 4.5kg, which can be mounted on the helicopter, a large area scanning of the whole mountain forest at a height of 2000 meters; but also can be equipped with low altitude operations in UAV, you can complete the analysis of the 10 thousand square meters of f armland soil within 1 hours; but also on the desktop for geological exploration sample analysis.

